Small & Simple Solar Stuff: The prototype
1. Two solar cells purchased from (RM 8 each, one cell was cut into 3 pieces and connected in series. A maximum power of 1.5 Voltage and 3-4 amp will be generated depend on weather)
2. Soldering kit
2. Soldering kit
3. Wire (FOC, from old VCD player)
4. Magnetic motor from Tamiya mini 4WD (16-18 years old toy and still function!)
5. Connectors (RM 2, from local hardware shop)
6. Switch (RM 2, from local hardware shop)
7. Paper box and cellophane tape
Test the power of solar cell: one cell was connected to the motor, the motor was rotating! |
Second test: Connect the solar cells in series to generate more power, one cell was connected to 1/3 cell (1.0 V?) |
3V DIY solar panel with motor and paper blade |
Switch on! Spinning solar fan! |
2 motors were connected in parallel circuit |
Twin Solar Fan!
Cool right? Have fun!
rusty motor, can throw dy..
gimme, i'll throw it for u!!
its rusty but still perform better than ur plastic motor...haha
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